Asbestos Surveys

Asbestos Surveys in Wednesfield

Armco Asbestos Surveys specialise in the provision of Asbestos Management surveys, asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition surveys in Wednesfield.

Armco have a UKAS registered quality management system which complies to ISO 9001 and we are also affiliated members of The British Occupational Hygiene Society.

Our Asbestos Surveyors have worked with Asbestos for over 15 years as both asbestos surveyors, trainers and removers, Armco have a wealth of experience in working with almost every type of asbestos containing material, we regularly provide our asbestos surveys and asbestos awareness training to a wide range of businesses from small to medium enterprises to high level blue chip companies.

Asbestos Management Surveys in Wednesfield

An Asbestos management survey is the standard survey you will require to full-fill your legal duty (under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012) if you are the person responsible for maintaining a property be it commercial or residential then you have a lawful requirement to effectively control and minimise the risks of any person coming into direct contact with asbestos containing materials or air borne asbestos particles.

The intention of an asbestos management survey is to manage asbestos containing materials (ACM's) during the everyday use and occupation of the building and to identify asbestos containing materials which could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy or routine maintenance to visually verify their condition,the overall goals of an asbestos management survey are to ensure that.

  • No one is harmed by the presence of ACM's in the property.
  • That the ACM remains intact and in good condition.
  • The likelihood that the ACM could be disturbed accidentally.

Our asbestos management survey will locate ACM's that could be disturbed or damaged by everyday activities and any foreseeable property maintenance or by the installation of new equipment, an asbestos management survey may require minor intrusions and disturbances to compile an in-depth assessment of asbestos containing materials, providing accurate information on the ability of the asbestos containing material should it be disturbed to release fibres into the air supply.

In order to carry out your buildings asbestos management survey we may need to be provided with the site layout, building plans & specifications along with any historical documentation of asbestos related works.

After our Asbestos Management Survey

After completion of the asbestos management survey we will provide you with a detailed report covering the following areas;

  • The asbestos type, location, extent, condition and any surface treatment.
  • Details on how to prepare an Asbestos management plan for your property/building.
  • The report will also include notes on priorities for any remedial works that may be required.

One thing to note however, is that where more extensive work is likely to be carried out a management survey may not provide all the required information and a more in-depth examination of the area in the form of a asbestos refurbishment/demolition survey will be required for all works which may disturb the fabric of the building, Especially in areas where the management survey has not been as intrusive.

It is a common misconception that an Asbestos surveyor will recommend the thorough removal of all asbestos containing materials found after carrying out an asbestos survey, this is not always the case as there are more cost effective and safer solutions to controlling asbestos risks such as sealing in the fibres.

Whatever course of remedial action is recommended you can rest assured that all of our asbestos surveys and testing procedures are carried out in accordance with the strict guidelines set out in document HSG264 you can view the relevant legislation by clicking the link.

Refurbishment and Demolition Asbestos Surveys in Wednesfield

If you are planning any refurbishment, demolition, or routine maintenance works that may disturb asbestos then by law you need to identify where it is, its type and condition, thoroughly assess the associated risks and manage and control these risks in a safe and proper manner.
A vital first step in this process is a full and thorough demolition or refurbishment asbestos survey.

An asbestos survey should be carried out as a matter of routine prior to any works being commenced that could involve the disturbance of asbestos containing materials, these types of surveys must be carried out and are required by law where the property, or a proportion of it, will require upgrading, refurbishment or demolition.

A full and in-depth asbestos demolition survey is required when the building is proposed to be completely demolished.

The purpose of a refurbishment or demolition asbestos survey is to accurately locate and identify all ACM's (Asbestos containing Materials) so that they can be safely removed or made safe prior to the demolition or refurbishment taking place, these types of asbestos survey are much more intrusive than an asbestos management survey as they require full and detailed access to all parts of the buildings structure both hidden and visible.

A refurbishment/demolition survey aims to ensure that;

  • No one will be harmed by any work on asbestos containing materials in the building structure or equipment.
  • Any works undertaken will be performed by a competent licensed asbestos removal contractor following the proper and lawful practises and procedures.

The survey must locate and identify all ACM's before any structural work begins at the property or on stated equipment at the premises, the area to be surveyed must be vacated, and certified fit for reoccupation after the survey has been completed.

In order to properly carry out the survey we will need you to provide us with the site layout and any building plans, building specifications or architects drawings that may be available along with any documentation relating to previous asbestos work carried out on the property.

After completion of the refurbishment/demolition survey we will provide you with a detailed report covering the location, presence and extent of asbestos-containing materials and debris.

This survey does not access the asbestos condition but will advise you of any ACM's that are deemed to be in a dangerous state or requiring maintenance.

Identifying Asbestos

The proper and correct identification of asbestos containing materials within a structure or plant equipment is the first step one must take to be able to comprise a complete and effective solution, asbestos removal is always the worst-case scenario and will only be recommended as a must do in demolition scenarios in works where refurbishment is taking place other such solutions include encapsulation of the asbestos containing materials by utilising a coating that is specifically formulated to effectively seal in loose asbestos fibres.

Should the asbestos survey reveal that the ACM's contained within the structure are in satisfactory condition and are unlikely to be damaged or disturbed during refurbishment works then it is considered best practice for them to remain in place and that their condition monitored at regular intervals documented and managed to ensure they are not disturbed at any time in the future.

Types of Asbestos

  • Chrysotile Asbestos: also known as white asbestos. chrysotile fibres are soft and fine and are capable of resisting high temperatures, the use of chrysotile asbestos was banned in the UK in 1999.
  • Amosite Asbestos: also known as brown asbestos. The fibres of amosite asbestos are spikey and have a good tensile strength, amosite asbestos was commonly used in construction between the 1920s and the late 60's, the use of amosite asbestos was banned in the UK in 1986.
  • Crocidolite Asbestos: also known as blue asbestos, crocidolite asbestos fibres are like needles and are the strongest form of asbestos fibres, crocidolite asbestos has been widely used in the UK since the 1880's and was finally banned by the Asbestos (Prohibitions) Regulations in 1985.

If you are deemed to be the person responsible for the maintenance of commercial premises, you have a lawful duty of care under the control of asbestos regulations to put in place effective controls that provide adequate protection to anyone visiting or working in the premises from the associated risks of asbestos containing materials.

To arrange an independent asbestos survey in Wednesfield from market leading industry experts call Armco Today on 0121 296 7687.

Asbestos Surveys in Wednesfield

Asbestos Survey Enquiry

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Armco Asbestos Consultants Ltd.
Unit 9, 97 Rickman Drive
B15 2AL
0121 296 7687

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